sexta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2009

Colégio Santo Amaro - aula 2

Matéria de Gramática da aula de hoje:

1 - Uso de many e much
Many - Ligado a substantivos contáveis - Normalmente usado em afirmativa, negativa e pergunta.
Do you have many books ?
Yes, I have many books.
No, I don't have many books.

Much - Ligado a substantivos incontáveis - Normalmente usado em negativa e pergunta.
Do you have much money ?
No, I don't have much money.
Yes, I have a lot of money.

Usamos much na afirmativa ligado a comparativos ou intensificadores.
Maria is much more beautiful than Ana.
I love you very much.
I know this much is true.

2 - Uso de present perfect
Tempo verbal composto pelo auxiliar have (ou has) + verbo no particípio. Não se junta a outro auxiliar na mesma oração.

Present Perfect x Simple past
I have written two books.
I wrote two books last year.

Present Perfect x Simple Present
I am a teacher. I live in Botafogo.
I have been a teacher for almost 6 years.
I have lived in Botafogo since I was born.

3 - Palavras chave
Ações raras - win the lottery, travel by ship...
Have you ever traveled by ship ?
Yes, I have already traveled by ship.
No, I have never traveled by ship.

Ações comuns - brush my teeth, read the newspaper...
Have you brushed your teeth yet ?
Yes, I have already brushed my teeth.
No, I haven't brushed my teeth yet.

Um comentário:

Fabi disse...

I liked your blog very much. I am also an English teacher and you know how much we need tips, exercises and so on.
I added you. I hope you don't mind.