segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010

Exercício 60 - Nível básico e pré-intermediário

1 - Responda às perguntas de forma completa:
Exemplo: Do you speak English ?
Não responder com Yes, I do e No, I don´t e sim com:
Yes I speak English.
No I don´t speak English.

a - Do your parents live in Rio ?
b - Does your cousin call their mother every day ?
c - Did you watch TV yesterday ?
d - Did you eat bread and cheese this morning ?
e - Did you use to wake up late when you ere a child ?
f - Have you ever been to Paris ?
g - Have you brushed your teeth yet ?
h - Would you accept a free trip to London just to spend a weekend ?
i - Will you marry her ?
j - Had she left when he came home ?

2 - Complete com a palavra adequada (que será um artigo ou um pronome)

a - I work in ___ supermarket downtown.
b - ___ computer I bought yesterday is excellent.
c - Tell _____ boys to come back tomorrow.
d - Help _______. There´s a lot of food on the table.
e - Please bring ___ the book as soon as possible.

3 - Complete com often, long, much, tall, old, deep, far ou many (um sobra).
a - How _____ is it from Rio to SP ?
b - How _____ is this lake ?
c - HOw _____ do you have classes ? Twice a week ?
d - How _____ do you think she is ?
e - How _____ is your sister ? She could be a great basketball player.
f - How _____ children do you know here ?
g - How _____ are your classes ? 50 minutes ?

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